November 2014 SWRCB Final Draft Environmental Impact Report



Notice of Availability

Draft EIR:  Sections 1 through 9

Executive Summary

Interested Parties

Appendix A: 2004 Settlement Agreement

Appendix B: Scoping and Public Involvement

Appendix C: Recreation Improvements

Appendix D: Level 1 and Level 2 Report

Appendix E: Level 3 Report

Appendix E1: Summary of Supplemental Modeling Results

Appendix F: Evaluation of the Biological Performance of Potential Water Quality Measures

Appendix G: Terrestrial Biology Lists

Appendix H: PG&E Proposed Supplemental Construction Mitigation Measures - March 3, 2014

Appendix I: Visual Assessment Units and Photographs

Appendix J: Greenhouse Gas Emission Changes from Proposed Operation Measures

Notice of Completion


See the SWRCB's Project 2105 webpage for more information


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