
August 2, 2004 2105 Licensing Group Meeting Materials



Presentations made by PG&E to the 2105 Licensing Group meeting in Chico on August 2, 2004 

Note:  The documents referenced on this page are preliminary in nature and subject to change pending further studies

Presented by Scott Tu 

August 2, 2004 Scott Tu Water Temperature Profiles 

July and August Temperature Profiles at Different Exceedance Levels in the North Fork Feather River under Existing and Various Modification Scenarios

Long term prediction versus observed data

Predicted temperature profile - 1st five year RC-C flows

Predicted temperature profile - 2nd five year RC-C flows

Predicted temperature profile - 3rd five year RC-C flows

Predicted Reach-Averaged Daily Mean Temperatures - 1st five year RC-C flows

Predicted Reach-Averaged Daily Mean Temperatures - 2nd five year RC-C flows

Predicted Reach-Averaged Daily Mean Temperatures - 3rd five year RC-C flows


Presented by Stu Running


Temperature-Conditioned Relative Suitability Index (RSI) for Reaches of the NFFR 


Reach Average Mean Temperatures


Temperature Conditioned RSI due to Thermal Curtains


Presented Bill Dennision


Statement on behalf of Plumas County